Saturday, November 18, 2017


Hi everyone ! Today (although was in last week) I'm going to write about my experience learning english.

Well, to start I agree with our teacher, we never learn a language completely, so my experience with English (and probably yours experiences) have not finished, especially nowadays, where the English language is the language of the world.
I have never been good with English but, in relationship with some years ago I think that I improved quite... and it's the idea, improved day to day because English is fundamental in today's life.
I like English language, although is difficult for me, but well, practically i'm obligated to learn because to my career, chemestry and pharmacy (and any career relationship with sciences) is indispensable because all scientific investigations are written in English.
Also, when I study, some books, pages, links, etc are written in English so, like I said, is necessary to learn English language.

Now, about my experience with blogs I think that it helped me to write in English with major fluency and it's fun because topic were goods and about themes of our interest.
Definitly there much to learn about English, personally I think that need more fluency when I talk in English because (is strange) when I talk in English I feeling like if I had to think before talk and it is very annoying for me but well, I think that I need see more movies or tv series in English... and talk more in English with anyone because I think that is's the big problem with me, practically outside class I don't talk in English, well, sometimes, but it's not sufficient.
Outside class I use English to watch movies or tv series, listen to music in English and sometimes I try "understand" what they say... read books to university and that it's all. Goodbye !!!