Thursday, June 22, 2017

From the invisible to the visible world and back...

Hi class, today we are going to talk about differents materials or instruments that are causing impact in the world of technology...
I will write about "nanoparticles"

First... What are nanoparticles?
Are particles of microscope diameter used to differents things, for example in the world of medicine, farming, industry, etc...
I learn of this theme in my basic education, in the school, when i had to lecture of "nanoparticles".
But what specifically interests me about is "nanopharmacy".
Theses nanoparticles function as "vehicles" that transport the drug, achieving "targeted chemotherapy", in the case of cancer, attacking preferably the tumor cells. This is a step forward with regard to traditional chemotherapy, since it increases the effectiveness of treatments and reduces their toxicity, which improves the quality of life of patients.
The importance of pharmaceutical nanotechnology for therapies with drugs resides on the possibilities to deliver drugs of low molecular weight as well as macromolecules like peptides, proteins, and genes, in a localized or guided manner to certain tissue of interest.
I like this topic because it has many relationships with my career, chemistry and pharmacy, and there is still much to investigate, in the "world of nanoparticles".

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