Thursday, April 13, 2017

Big decission

I will talk about "my career", this is not easy decission.

When I was child i dreamed with to be astronaut, or travelling for the world, i supossed the life were easy, but not exactly.

During my education in the school i changed in much ocassions my decission, Doctor, Artist, Engineer, Teacher of History, Philosofy, etc...
I suposse that all youngers has this type of conduct, but the time give me the deffinitive answer.

Now i study Chemestry and Pharmacy, i don't know why exactly, always i liked the sciences, but i also liked humanist things, for example philosophy, psychology, history, etc.
I think that i decided for this career for "money", compared with humanist career is much difference, and i think that this is bad.

My experience in this career it has been good, the environment is fine and i feel that every day i like more this career, i would work in a job about "therapeutic medicine", combining humanists sciences with cientifics sciences, for example "psychology-pharmaceutic"...



  1. You would have been a perfect astronaute, teacher, engineer, Doctor, Artist and alls the careers. jaja regards

  2. you had many roads to choose.a big consussion.

  3. We all like differents things, the important its now you like your career.

  4. If you had been an astronaut we wouldn't play "pin-pon" jajaja

