Tuesday, October 31, 2017


Hi classmates, today we are going to write about our summer holidays (i hope that will on few weeks for all).
To start, i don't know what i will do in summer holidays, i suppose that sleep (very much), enjoy, watch a tv series, movies, anime, and practically rest.
I would like visit to my grandparents (although my grandfather died in July) but the family is still gathering there, and i like very much visit South of Chile (specifically "Los Angeles")
Like teacher, where live my grandmother don't there many things to enjoy, or things to do... i think that the more "adrenalinic" is go to buy to bazaar, because you should walk for 20-25 minutes to buy anything.
I go it to relax, simply feel the air that there is there is, for me, the best.
Also i would like go to camp, with my girlfriend or my friends... where? i don't know, anywhere, but i want it from sometime ago.
In Santiago, as i said, i will watch much tv series, rest, read books that i can't read for university, learn other things i don't know, only import rest. Maybe i will work in anything, because for anythings that you to do in summer holidays you need dinner :(.
Practically it, i hope that soon will reality, this semester the university has been much exhausting, so just i want summer holidays to rest and relax... for now we have to keep going with studies, so a lot of strength for everyone!!

Tuesday, October 24, 2017


Hi everyone, today we are going to talk about pets in general.
In my case, i don't have pet :(, i would like have pet, which? i don't know, i like cats, dogs, reptiles, rats, tortoises, etc.
My parents (specifically my dad) don't want to has pets because he say that "we don't have time, or money, or these pet will alone all day, etc" and sometimes i believe that he has reason.
Now if i choose one pet, i think that i like very much have a dog, although cats also i like.
Why dog and not cat? Simply because cats are "arrogant's" hahaha, and i don't like it.
I like of dogs that are loving, and always hope you with love and sweetie. Talking about this i remember that the dog of my neighbor hope me with a "friendly face", and move their tail... that always give me encouragement.
If i had dog, would be called Poff, is a nice name, and in this moments i don't think in any other. For other side, never i have been good with the name's of my pets. The last dog that i had was called "Spirit" and yes, i took  this name of movie Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron, although my dog was very crazy and messy, like this horse "spirit".

Being extravagant, always liked me reptiles, and i would like have a iguana or chameleon... would be called Dufmo.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017


Hi this is my second blog of today :( in this opportunity, we are going to talk about ours post grade studies.

Like always i don't know (but now is in earnest) what is the post grade studies of my dreams haha, i have not even thought about it.
Relationship with the last blog, i think that a post grade "good" for me are post grades of laboratory techniques, or of agriculture industry, the true is that i don't know.
I imagine that i would like continue studding subject's relationship with Organic Chemistry, or Analytic Chemistry, or any Chemistry (yes, i like chemistry).
Being sincere, for now just i think in finish my actually studies, for this i have 5 more years minimum, is for it that this question is hard to me, and i think that for my other classmates too.
A thing about post grades that i like, is the possibility of travel to different countries and nations, if any day i choose a post grade would have present the country of arrive, i think that would be a good excuse to know new places.
Having choose a post grade studies, i would like that it adapt for my live-style, for example, a post grade from home (Internet) or any postgraduate program that wont consume my hold time.


Hello classmates, now i'm going to write about my future job.

Sincerely, i don't know what is "the job of my dreams", obviously, i suppose that any work relationship with Chemistry and Pharmacy... also, depend on my study in the next years.
Now, if i should choose one, i think that a work relationship with Laboratory's, in general.
Why? Because i like laboratory's, i like do experiments in it. Although i like very much travel, so i don't know if i would like i'm all day in a laboratory (indoor).
In terms of salary, i like the money (like any person), so i think that the sufficient money to live and travel occasionally. I think that is more important the work-hours, i don't want to work for 8 or 10 hours, definitively, it is not my dream-job.
For other side, i like the "forestall industry", i don't know if the side forestall or agriculture has relationship with chemistry and pharmacy, i hope that yes, so i would be interested for it ambit.
Future studies? i don't know (really) for now just i think in finish what i'm studying, today we has exam of "Chemistry and Physics" :( .

I think that is it, lucky in yours future jobs! See you later!