Saturday, November 18, 2017


Hi everyone ! Today (although was in last week) I'm going to write about my experience learning english.

Well, to start I agree with our teacher, we never learn a language completely, so my experience with English (and probably yours experiences) have not finished, especially nowadays, where the English language is the language of the world.
I have never been good with English but, in relationship with some years ago I think that I improved quite... and it's the idea, improved day to day because English is fundamental in today's life.
I like English language, although is difficult for me, but well, practically i'm obligated to learn because to my career, chemestry and pharmacy (and any career relationship with sciences) is indispensable because all scientific investigations are written in English.
Also, when I study, some books, pages, links, etc are written in English so, like I said, is necessary to learn English language.

Now, about my experience with blogs I think that it helped me to write in English with major fluency and it's fun because topic were goods and about themes of our interest.
Definitly there much to learn about English, personally I think that need more fluency when I talk in English because (is strange) when I talk in English I feeling like if I had to think before talk and it is very annoying for me but well, I think that I need see more movies or tv series in English... and talk more in English with anyone because I think that is's the big problem with me, practically outside class I don't talk in English, well, sometimes, but it's not sufficient.
Outside class I use English to watch movies or tv series, listen to music in English and sometimes I try "understand" what they say... read books to university and that it's all. Goodbye !!!

Tuesday, November 7, 2017


Hi everyone, we are close of the end of this semester, so many encouragement !!
Today we are going to write about our study programme, and changes for it.
I'm in my second year in university and (until now) i like my curriculum, i have some subjects that i like and other that i don't like, but it's normal.
If there is something that bothers me is the "hour-study's", and that is on any university/school or anything, the system on Chile it's exhausting as for this, and adding other problems of our society (health, public transport, poor working conditions, etc) finally "we live to work".
But well, I study around 8 hours per day and only on university, because when you arrive home you have to study for the exam/quiz or anything.

In terms of infrastructure i think that this is another problem with education (as we said in the last class, about "social issues") for example we don't have cafeteria to eat, the classrooms are nice but the amount of students is too many for our infrastructure.
I like our curriculum, but the "academic load" sometimes makes you not enjoy this process.
About technology use i think that is very nice on my faculty, all processes we do through of different platforms (u-cursos, u-campus, etc) and manytimes it facilitate you some formalities or something.
Practically all teachers use "power points or pdf" for your classes, and through of u-cursos their loaded it for we, and we can to study of it.
So... in summary i like curriculum, use of technology, etc but the big problem with studies in general is hour-study's and workload :(

Tuesday, October 31, 2017


Hi classmates, today we are going to write about our summer holidays (i hope that will on few weeks for all).
To start, i don't know what i will do in summer holidays, i suppose that sleep (very much), enjoy, watch a tv series, movies, anime, and practically rest.
I would like visit to my grandparents (although my grandfather died in July) but the family is still gathering there, and i like very much visit South of Chile (specifically "Los Angeles")
Like teacher, where live my grandmother don't there many things to enjoy, or things to do... i think that the more "adrenalinic" is go to buy to bazaar, because you should walk for 20-25 minutes to buy anything.
I go it to relax, simply feel the air that there is there is, for me, the best.
Also i would like go to camp, with my girlfriend or my friends... where? i don't know, anywhere, but i want it from sometime ago.
In Santiago, as i said, i will watch much tv series, rest, read books that i can't read for university, learn other things i don't know, only import rest. Maybe i will work in anything, because for anythings that you to do in summer holidays you need dinner :(.
Practically it, i hope that soon will reality, this semester the university has been much exhausting, so just i want summer holidays to rest and relax... for now we have to keep going with studies, so a lot of strength for everyone!!

Tuesday, October 24, 2017


Hi everyone, today we are going to talk about pets in general.
In my case, i don't have pet :(, i would like have pet, which? i don't know, i like cats, dogs, reptiles, rats, tortoises, etc.
My parents (specifically my dad) don't want to has pets because he say that "we don't have time, or money, or these pet will alone all day, etc" and sometimes i believe that he has reason.
Now if i choose one pet, i think that i like very much have a dog, although cats also i like.
Why dog and not cat? Simply because cats are "arrogant's" hahaha, and i don't like it.
I like of dogs that are loving, and always hope you with love and sweetie. Talking about this i remember that the dog of my neighbor hope me with a "friendly face", and move their tail... that always give me encouragement.
If i had dog, would be called Poff, is a nice name, and in this moments i don't think in any other. For other side, never i have been good with the name's of my pets. The last dog that i had was called "Spirit" and yes, i took  this name of movie Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron, although my dog was very crazy and messy, like this horse "spirit".

Being extravagant, always liked me reptiles, and i would like have a iguana or chameleon... would be called Dufmo.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017


Hi this is my second blog of today :( in this opportunity, we are going to talk about ours post grade studies.

Like always i don't know (but now is in earnest) what is the post grade studies of my dreams haha, i have not even thought about it.
Relationship with the last blog, i think that a post grade "good" for me are post grades of laboratory techniques, or of agriculture industry, the true is that i don't know.
I imagine that i would like continue studding subject's relationship with Organic Chemistry, or Analytic Chemistry, or any Chemistry (yes, i like chemistry).
Being sincere, for now just i think in finish my actually studies, for this i have 5 more years minimum, is for it that this question is hard to me, and i think that for my other classmates too.
A thing about post grades that i like, is the possibility of travel to different countries and nations, if any day i choose a post grade would have present the country of arrive, i think that would be a good excuse to know new places.
Having choose a post grade studies, i would like that it adapt for my live-style, for example, a post grade from home (Internet) or any postgraduate program that wont consume my hold time.


Hello classmates, now i'm going to write about my future job.

Sincerely, i don't know what is "the job of my dreams", obviously, i suppose that any work relationship with Chemistry and Pharmacy... also, depend on my study in the next years.
Now, if i should choose one, i think that a work relationship with Laboratory's, in general.
Why? Because i like laboratory's, i like do experiments in it. Although i like very much travel, so i don't know if i would like i'm all day in a laboratory (indoor).
In terms of salary, i like the money (like any person), so i think that the sufficient money to live and travel occasionally. I think that is more important the work-hours, i don't want to work for 8 or 10 hours, definitively, it is not my dream-job.
For other side, i like the "forestall industry", i don't know if the side forestall or agriculture has relationship with chemistry and pharmacy, i hope that yes, so i would be interested for it ambit.
Future studies? i don't know (really) for now just i think in finish what i'm studying, today we has exam of "Chemistry and Physics" :( .

I think that is it, lucky in yours future jobs! See you later! 

Tuesday, September 26, 2017


Hi classmates, now i'm going to talk about my national holidays (september 18th).

I really didn't do much... i don't like much the "18", so were holidays like any holidays.
Starting because my parents traveled to Los Angeles (especificly to "Charrua", a ghost town that anyone don't knows... there live my grandmother and uncles) and i was alone in Santiago few days, they invited me, but i don't had encouragement to travel. Anyway were a goods holidays to rest and sleep.
Practically i spent these days with my girlfriend, we ate, watched tv series and movies, we went to "elevar volantines" (i don't know how to say it), etc.
The next day (19th) we went to my girlfriend's grandmother's house... and we did the same... eat, watch tv (i agree with teacher, nice dogs haha), talk with my girlfriend's family, and i think that is it.
I don't know what else to say hahaha, the rest of the days (20-25) i had "free" the university, although i had to study for the exams of that and the next week... also i watched anime, i slept (much) and that is it... we see later!

I think that what i like most of the 18 is share with family, friends, etc... and eat!

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

my favourite movie

My favourite film, definitely, is "Interestellar". In a blog of last semester i talked about it, but i want talk about it again.

It directed by Cristhopher Nolan and i like very much in any aspect.
This is amazing film, it has action, science, love, nice effects, development, etc.
I think that i like very much because i like space, and it is a theme that interesting me, i like mystery that hides, black holes, multiverse, time, dimensions, etc... and this film approaches all it themes.
In this film the humanity are in alert by pollution and other things, and the NASA search other planets to live, here is where they appear "black holes" and their mystery.
NASA believe that black holes take us to other dimension, place, universe, or anything where humanity can thrive, that is black holes are alternative to travel long distances in the space, but is dangerous and hides a big mystery about the "time".
The protagonist is Cooper, a astronaut of NASA that carry out the task of travel toward "Gargantua" (black hole) with Romilly, Doyle and Amelia.

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

My best holidays

I think that my best holidays has been when i went to La Serena, with my classmates of school.
This was in 2015, the denominated "study tour", although we went to Tongoy, but one day five classmates and me we went to La Serena, because none knew this place.
In general i liked much all study tour, but just i want talk about the day when we went to La Serena.

All my classmates (28) and me we arrived to a plot for one week, it had nice things, pool, big place to walk, different games, courts for any deports, and other things... i had a lot fun!
One day, in the morning, five classmates and me we were talk about travel to La Serena, and 10 minutes after we were in the road hope a bus, although we didn't know how arrive to but, i remember that an old man told us how arrive, and we went.
We went to beach, "El faro", "Recoba", and we were enjoyed the whole day... 
Arriving to bus station we had no idea how return to Tongoy. I remember that we got on a bus, and this only was passing for road, so we stayed, approximately, 20 km of Tongoy.
Was a hike of 5 hours, or more, from road to Tongoy, in the night, with cold and hungry, but was very fun haha, i will never forget.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

A country i would like to visit

Hi classmates, in this opportunity we going to talk about "a country we would like to visit".. let's go!

This is a hard question for me, i like very much nature, as well as the big infrastructure of some city's,
but if i have that choose one, i would go to China, because i like the China culture, i like his past, the samurais, temples, philosophy, religion, infrastructure, etc... although their language is weird jaja.
I don't know much about China, only it is the most populated country in the world, and that is a very old country.

I think that there many places to visit, so i would not be bored, for example the Great wall of China, many temples, towers legendary, ancient tombs, etc!! practically i would not have time to visit all places that offer China.
Now, i would not like live for "always" in China, because their language is weird! i don't think i can learn!.. and other thing is that i don't like much the "China food"... is weird too.

Thursday, June 29, 2017

My bloggin experience

Hi classmates!
In our latest post, we will talk about the blogging experience, lets go!
I think that the idea of making us write about different topics in a blog has been a creative idea,
Because i think that is a way of making more interesting the activities.
My experience has been good, I think I have learned to develop my ideas about  how writing a text in English, and I have learned more "grammar".
A recommendation to the blogs, is to include "scientific posts", for example like the "nanoparticles". I think that these post help us very much, because all my classmates, in any day, they will have to read, or even write, to article of this characteristics, so more of these types of blogs, it would be a great help .
But not everything has to be science, blogs like of "admire" or "what is your favorite film?" Helped me much to know my classmates, and i enjoyed readed it blogs.
On the other hand, I would like to write about our futures lifes, after the university, because is interesting how with the time our ambitions, viewpoints, projections and likes change.
I think that's all, greetings and see you!

Thursday, June 22, 2017

From the invisible to the visible world and back...

Hi class, today we are going to talk about differents materials or instruments that are causing impact in the world of technology...
I will write about "nanoparticles"

First... What are nanoparticles?
Are particles of microscope diameter used to differents things, for example in the world of medicine, farming, industry, etc...
I learn of this theme in my basic education, in the school, when i had to lecture of "nanoparticles".
But what specifically interests me about is "nanopharmacy".
Theses nanoparticles function as "vehicles" that transport the drug, achieving "targeted chemotherapy", in the case of cancer, attacking preferably the tumor cells. This is a step forward with regard to traditional chemotherapy, since it increases the effectiveness of treatments and reduces their toxicity, which improves the quality of life of patients.
The importance of pharmaceutical nanotechnology for therapies with drugs resides on the possibilities to deliver drugs of low molecular weight as well as macromolecules like peptides, proteins, and genes, in a localized or guided manner to certain tissue of interest.
I like this topic because it has many relationships with my career, chemistry and pharmacy, and there is still much to investigate, in the "world of nanoparticles".

Thursday, June 8, 2017

The most enjoyable subject..

Hi class, today we are going to talking about the most enjoyable subject!
Actually, i study chemistry and pharmacy, in universidad de chile.
I between at university the last year, after of perform the PSU and now i'm in the second year of this career.
I don't know exactly what subject i like more, maybe because i'm in second year, so there is still a long way to go and learn.
If i had to pick one, could be "Organic Chemistry Laboratory". In this subject we synthesize organic compounds and we perform different practices in relationship with these compounds, for example calculate weight, melting points, etc.

We are, approximately, 30 students, and at the beginning of every session we must deliver a "report" of the compounds synthesized the last week, and it report our results of the experience.
I like it because i feel that the laboratories practices will be more important along of the career, and the activities that we does are fun.
Besides, i have this subject the monday's, maybe the worst day in the week, so reach at university and go to the laboratory, with my friends, make  the week start very well!!


Friday, June 2, 2017

I admire

Today i want to write about Sigmund Freud, maybe, the creator of the psychoanalysis.
He was an Austrian neurologist that born in 1856 and died in 1939 (cancer).
Freud was born in Galician and he qualifed as a doctor of medicine in 1881, at the university of Vienna.
Freud lived and worked in Vienna, having set up his clinical practice there in 1886.
Then, in 1938 he left Austria to escape of the Nazis and died in exile in the United Kingdom in 1939.
Maybe, the biggest contribution was to give a cientific explication to the unconscious human and their jobs in the human conduct and how are related with the sciences.
Now, what is the psychoanalysis? It's is a therapeutic practice that in which the central idea it is the belief that all persons have thoughts, feelings and memories unconscious that, trought the search of this, it can be reached to the current mood.
I like Sigmund Freud because was (and is) a important character in the history of the psychology, and this theme i like very much.

Thursday, May 25, 2017

My favourite film and book

I like read to books, of any kind, but i remember one that nowadays is, practically, is my "mentor".
Is called "Cien aƱos de soledad", is a wonderful book.
I remember that i should read it to quiz in the school, like any book for "Lenguaje".
I don't now exactly what i like of this book, but i remember that i readed 3 times, and i kept reading it when the quiz had finished!! i didn't it believe jajaja.
I suppose that the development of this history is much intriguing, i remember the family Arcadio and their episodes...

Now, my favourite film is a hard decission, but i think that is "Interestelar".
This film is amazing, in any aspect, effects, development, history, etc.
About of a theme that i like very much, the space... and black holes.
The humanity are in alert by polution, but other type of polution that we have nowadays, so the NASA search other planets where can thrive the humanity, as the black's holes were a alternative to travel long distances in the space, but dangerous, and hid a big misterious about the time.
I watched this film not a long time ago, and i would see it many more times.


Thursday, May 18, 2017

A photograph you like

Always i liked the space, and i like, now i'm going to talk about the first photography of the earth, that was taken in 1961.

In April of 1961 Yuri Gagarin was the first person that went out into space, and when he returned and said that he looked the earth, nobody believed him.
As Guerman Titov in August of 1961, boarded the spacecraft with a camera of cine, with the so as to of take photos of the Earth, for that all world should looked.
This was a big step for science of the space, and today this photos are saved in the NASA, and Gagarin has been honored in several conmemorations.

Today we have much better photographs, for example, the following photo was taken from the Moon, when Neil Armstrong landed with the Apollo 11.

While technology advances we can imagine photographs from distance more large, and we can discovery places that now are beyond our reach.

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Music in my life

This is a very difficult question for me, because i can listen to many genres, rap, cumbia, salsa, classical music, blues, jazz, etc... I think that this depend of my mood, for example if i need to increase my energy, i like listen to cumbia or salsa.
My best singer on salsa, for example, is Hector Lavoe.

When i was child, i remember that i liked heavy metal music, now i don't like very much this type of songs, but i can listen to a song that i like.

I like the pinao, i have a keyboard that i use when i have free time, it helps me to de-stress and relax. 
The music in movies or series is necessary, it is responsably of the emotions by which the viewer passes. I like music of the movie "Amelie", for example.

Regards!!! (It was PO4 3-) :(

Thursday, April 27, 2017

giving my opinion

what is your opinion about smart phones?
-the smart phones are a nice piece of technology, every persons have a smartphone, in the world of the now is necessary.

what is your opinion about women in the military?
-i don't now, i think that it's normal, so no deserves some opinion.

what is your opinion about the chilean politicians?
-i think that the chilean politicians are similary with politicians in all the world, all the politicians are same... corrupts.

what is your opinion about violence of television?
-i don't have opinion about violence of television... i suppose that is bad.

what is your opinion about fortune telling?
-jajaja, ahh.. other dog with that bone, fine, i suppose.

what is your opinion about soap operas on chilean tv?
-i don't now, i don't watch "telenovelas"... i suppose that are nice, because my mom watch all soap operas... oooh, i remember "los pincheiras"... was good times.

what is your opinion about legalizing marijuana?
-i think that could help lower the levels of violence relationship with the use of the this drug (narcotrafic, fights, etc)... and we would be much "higher"

what is your opinion about climate change?
-it's strange, i'm convinced that "environmental problem" is the guilty.

what is your opinion about cloning?
-i don't now, i suppose that would bad.

what is your opinion about recycling?
-is a nice idea!!, i support totally.

what is your opinion about "barras bravas"?
-ooh, were goods, but now there are much violence, i recomend at movie "green street hooligans", when the violence were good jajaj.

what is your opinion about legalizing abortion in some cases?
-i support, totally, in fact in all cases abortion should be legal.

Thursday, April 20, 2017

My favourite piece of technology

When i was a child, i liked the techonology that allowed listen to music, walkman, tape deck and radio, but the mp3/mp4 had all in one.

When i was younger (and now) all people had a mp3 or mp4, for listen to music and do other things, record audios, play games, view photos, etc. with that piece you seemed has the world in your hands, just using a computer you could have the songs that you liked, and if you will get bored eliminated this songs, and replace them with the songs of moment.
Always that i was going to travelling, previously i charged my mp3 to don't have a bored trip.

It seems simply, but have music in a portable way, for me, is fantastic, and those who invented it deserve my respect.
What life would be like without it? i don't now, i think that the world will more stressful, for example, in the subway, all days the music keep calm in the passengers.

We see each other !

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Big decission

I will talk about "my career", this is not easy decission.

When I was child i dreamed with to be astronaut, or travelling for the world, i supossed the life were easy, but not exactly.

During my education in the school i changed in much ocassions my decission, Doctor, Artist, Engineer, Teacher of History, Philosofy, etc...
I suposse that all youngers has this type of conduct, but the time give me the deffinitive answer.

Now i study Chemestry and Pharmacy, i don't know why exactly, always i liked the sciences, but i also liked humanist things, for example philosophy, psychology, history, etc.
I think that i decided for this career for "money", compared with humanist career is much difference, and i think that this is bad.

My experience in this career it has been good, the environment is fine and i feel that every day i like more this career, i would work in a job about "therapeutic medicine", combining humanists sciences with cientifics sciences, for example "psychology-pharmaceutic"...


Thursday, April 6, 2017

Hi teamlab !

I'm Francisco, and writing the first blog, in this case we talk about we.
I'm nineteen years old, I was born in 14 of May in the 1997, in Santiago.
I have one brother, Simon, and we lives with my parents, in Maipu.
My father came from ViƱa del Mar and my mom came from South of Chile, specifically in a town named Charrua. Always that we has time, for example large weekends or holidays, we go to Charrua, there the wetter is very cold, and I like the "nature" that there are.

I studied in Liceo de Aplicacion, were fun and good times, and now it's not very enjoy, with so much tests, study, etc... but anyway i have fun moments, so, is not much terrible.
I'm studing Chemestry and Pharmaceutics, in my second year, and I hope that all goes well for all !!

Resultado de imagen para facultad de quimica y farmacia ...good year companions!!